Before running remote jobs you first have to tell cjr about the remote resource. A new remote resource named SERVERNAME can be added with the command
$ cjr resource:add [FLAGS] SERVERNAME
The required flags are
--address="IP_ADDRESS" : the IP address of the remote resource
--user="SSH_USERNAME" : the username that should be used for ssh
--key="PATH_TO_KEYFILE" : path to private ssh key
--type="ssh" : currently only "ssh" is supported
and the optional flags are
--copy-key : cjr will store a local copy of the key
If you add --copy-key
, then the keys are copied to the directory ~/.config/.cjr/keys.
The following is an example command; your real command will have different values.
$ cjr resource:add myserver --address= --user=remoteuser --key=/home/localuser/.ssh/id_rsa --type=ssh